Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Demystifying Public Speaking

Public Speaking Training from ImpactFactory.com...

Public Speaking

Public Speaking For many people Public Speaking can be so daunting that they will do almost anything to avoid it. Yet once we have a taste for it and discover the real rewards that can result from giving a good speech, many of us wonder what all the fuss was about.

Given some encouragement and some good training almost anyone can develop the ability to deliver a good speech in public.

There is no magic wand. We can't transform you instantly into someone with no fear of the auditorium.

What we can do however is demystify the process for you. We can give you enough insight and understanding about the dynamic between you and your audience that you will start to feel in control of the event rather than run by it.

This is a turning point for most people. They get to the point where they feel they know what they are doing, at which point what they have previously experienced as anxiety they now start to feel as exhilaration.

Confidence is a key factor to developing as a public speaker, therefore all our programmes concentrate on what already works for a delegate. No point in trying to get a serious person to tell jokes. It's hard work and they're not likely to be very funny.

However someone with a tendency to ramble may easily turn their hand to stories and anecdotes. Our public speaking training is always tailored to the specific group or person attending. And can be delivered for individuals, small group workshops or in a seminar format.

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